(813) 531-9179 Free Estimates

About the Tampa Hardwood Flooring Company

About Us - Florida Hardwood Flooring, LLC, of Tampa

Florida Hardwood Flooring, LLC, of Tampa, focuses exclusively on the installation, repair and refinishing of hardwood floors throughout the greater Tampa Bay area. Owner, Richard Porupski, III, is a skilled craftsman with over 15 years experience in running a hardwood flooring company. Rich comes from a strong background of skilled construction workers. His grandfather, Richard Porupski, Sr., was a licensed contractor and well established in Tampa for over 20 years. His father, Richard Porupski, Jr., specializes in kitchen and bathroom installation, in addition to many other areas of construction. The Porupski’s have been in the construction industry in Tampa, FL, for generations.

As a former United States Marine, Rich knows the importance of dedication, hard work and honor. Rich has taken the skills and lessons he learned in the Marine Corps and applied them when he started his own business. After leaving the Marine Corps, Rich spent over 8 years supervising an established hardwood flooring company in Tampa. During that time, Rich mastered the skills and experience necessary to start his own company. In 2006, Rich fulfilled his dream of establishing his own company, Florida Hardwood Flooring, LLC, of Tampa. Despite the downturn in the housing market, Florida Hardwood Flooring, LLC, of Tampa, has flourished because of word of mouth referrals for both residential and commercial properties. Through his excellent work, professional manner, and dedication to his customers, Florida Hardwood Flooring became established for its superior work.

Rich is personally involved in every single job from start to finish. His business philosophy has not changed since the day he entered the industry. He believes that his number one objective is to provide his customers with work beyond their expectations. His customers expect every detail to be perfect. Rich makes sure that each project is completed on time, on budget, and with perfection in every last detail.


Florida Hardwood Flooring specializes in the installation, repair, and sand and finishing of hardwood floors. In addition, we also provide superior work in custom projects, medallions, staircases, fireplaces, and many other specialty projects. Custom work is some of our favorite projects, giving us the opportunity to create truly beautiful and unique work. Our goal is to provide our customers with the floor of their dreams.

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